Stick Infuser


A sleek stainless steel tea infuser, offering convenience and style in one compact design.


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Why choose this one?

• Ideal for brewing a single cup of tea
• Convenient design allowing for easy tea brewing and mess-free removal
• The hook allows you to keep the infuser securely in place while your tea steeps


How to use: Simply lift the top part of the stainless steel stick infuser, place your desired amount of tea in the chamber, close it securely, and hook it onto the side of your cup. Once your tea is brewed to your liking, simply remove the strainer and enjoy your perfectly steeped cup of tea.


Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, our Stick Infuser is designed to preserve the true flavours of your tea. Its stainless steel construction ensures that no unwanted flavours or odours are imparted, allowing you to fully enjoy the pure and authentic taste of your favourite tea leaves.

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