Mountain Oolong Tea


Indulge in the rich and complex flavour of our Mountain Oolong tea, and let it take you on a journey through the misty mountains of Taiwan.

Our pouches are biodegradable and compostable. Choose our recyclable Eco-Cylinder for a longer shelf life.


Mountain Oolong is grown in the high-altitude mountain regions of Taiwan, where the cool and misty climate provides the perfect growing conditions for this tea. The tea leaves are hand-picked and carefully processed to bring out the tea’s natural flavors. ‘Alishan’ or mountain oolong is a highly prized tea with a smooth, creamy texture and a delicate, floral aroma that is truly captivating.

This tea has a floral and fruity aroma with a rich, smooth taste. Our Mountain Oolong has a deep flavour and silky texture that is truly unparalleled, making it a favourite among tea enthusiasts.

Oolong tea boasts incredible health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants and has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels, improve digestion, and boost metabolism.

In Taiwan, Oolong Tea is typically used in traditional tea ceremonies. During these ceremonies, tea masters carefully prepare and serve the tea, paying close attention to the aroma, flavor, and texture of the tea. The tea is brewed in small, clay teapots and served in small cups. It is customary to take small sips.


Pure hand-rolled Oolong Tea

Alishan, Taiwan

1 tsp/cup ~ 70ºC ~ 3 min

Place 1 teaspoon of tea per 240 ml cup into an infuser. Add filtered hot water and allow to infuse for 3 minutes. Do not pour boiling water. Strain the tea and serve. May be re-steeped twice.

Tea Maker’s note: To brew it the traditional way, ‘rinse’ the tea leaves with hot water for 5 seconds before steeping for the first time. This processed is used to wake up the leaves and get more aroma from the first infusion.

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