English Breakfast Organic Tea


  • Start your day off right with the bold and invigorating flavors of English Breakfast Tea! A classic strong blend of black teas to make the perfect cuppa.

Our pouches are biodegradable and compostable. Choose our recyclable Eco-Cylinder for a longer shelf life.


English Breakfast Tea is a traditional blend of black teas that has been enjoyed for centuries in England and around the world. It typically consists of a blend of several black teas,  which are known for their robust and full-bodied flavors. English Breakfast Tea is often enjoyed in the morning and pairs well with a variety of breakfast foods. It can be served with milk and sugar to taste, and is a popular choice for those who want a strong and energizing cup of tea to start their day.

English Breakfast Tea has become a staple beverage for tea lovers around the globe.


Full-bodied with notes of malt


Organic Black Tea

1 tsp/cup ~ 100ºC ~ 3min

Place a teaspoon of tea per 240 ml cup into an infuser. Add filtered boiling water and allow to infuse for 3 minutes. Strain the tea and serve.


* Our organic teas are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, harmful to the environment and potentially hazardous to human health. By choosing organic, you can enjoy a healthier and more environmentally friendly beverage while supporting sustainable farming practices.

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