Australian Rainforest Tea


A unique black tea grown in the Daintree rainforest of Queensland that will make you feel guiltless about the food-miles associated with imported teas!

Our pouches are biodegradable and compostable. Choose our recyclable Eco-Cylinder for a longer shelf life.


Australian black tea is a unique variety of tea grown and harvested in the tropical climate of the far north of Australia. The tea is cultivated in the rich soil of the Daintree rainforest , which is known for its favourable climate and fertile land.

Our Australian Rainforest black tea has a rich a flavour that is comparable to other high-quality black teas, with a distinct earthy taste that is often attributed to the tea’s terroir. The tea is grown here on our Australian land using sustainable farming practices and without the use of pesticides, making it a popular choice among consumers who prioritize environmental responsibility.

Australian Rainforest black tea is a high-quality tea with a unique flavour profile that is worth experiencing.


Medium-bodied with earthy notes

Queensland, Australia

Pesticide-free Black Tea

1 tsp/cup ~ 100ºC ~ 3 min

Place a teaspoon of tea per 240 ml cup into an infuser. Add filtered boiling water and allow to infuse for 3 minutes. Strain the tea and serve.



* Our organic teas are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, harmful to the environment and potentially hazardous to human health. By choosing organic, you can enjoy a healthier and more environmentally friendly beverage while supporting sustainable farming practices.

SKU: PR205 Categories: ,
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